The controls for moving Franklin could have done with more work too as he constantly gets caught on objects (the game has a fixed camera) and if you try to run then there is some animation priority which is unnecessary for this type of game. It’s not like the animation or visuals in general are that great so perhaps a point and click style cursor interface would have been better as I believe it had on the original PC version.

Another annoyance as things went on came from using items. You use the d-pad to access things in your inventory which is in the bottom left of the screen, if you select an item to use then rather than appear where you cursor is (usually pointing at the thing you want to use the item on) it starts in the bottom left of the screen and you have to move the cursor all the way back to where it was. Also as the d-pad accesses the inventory you can’t use the d-pad for anything else, even the main menu. Selecting menu options or puzzle elements with the analogue stick is far inferior to using the d-pad and did lead to frustration at times.

The whole game is voice acted although the quality of the performances is questionable and the dialogue often varies from the subtitles too, though not too drastically. There are only two actors to voice multiple characters which leads to confusion and the story they’re working with, though initially intriguing, eventually peters out before the game’s conclusion. The music is decent but you’ll be hearing the same couple of tracks throughout.

Subject 13 is an okay puzzle game. If you’re a fan of the older style point and click adventure games or Myst-style puzzle games where your hands weren’t held then you could probably enjoy some short lived fun out of this. If you’re like me and feel games have advanced since then to be a little more user friendly then the lack of feedback and guidance will irritate and maybe even frustrate. After playing I found out this was a Kickstarter game which explains (though doesn’t forgive) the lack of polish and for £5.79 it’s probably worth a look if you’re curious.Subject 13Pros

+ A variety of puzzles + An initially intriguing story + Low price
- Lacks polish all over - Some obtuse puzzles - Story doesn't satisfy in the end - No chapter select for collectibles and trophies

Subject 13 1 0 6

Subject 13 1 0 minus

Subject 13 1 0 Minus


Subject 13 1 0 1

Subject 13 lacks polish but might just scratch that itch if you're looking for a puzzler that feels like it's from the past. A lack of hand holding will be welcomed and cursed in equal measure but if you're intrigued the price point is right to make it a relatively risk free purchase.